workshop center
本次的駐校藝術家工作坊將以「游移的餐館」為創作概念,由秋季駐校的法國藝術家Anelor Robin與Marie Venet帶領學員發掘在地食材與餐飲包裝材料的潛力,進行美食裝置藝術創作。此工作坊期待透過食用雕塑、包裝紙材的蒙太奇式拼貼、餐具與食材的裝置藝術呈現等課程,從視覺與味覺重新思考飲食方式及飲食文化的變異與突破。
About this Workshop: 
This workshop will create an ephemeral wandering restaurant. For the residency in Arts & Culture Centre of the National Chung Cheng University in Chiayi, the artists will observe and analyze different ways of eating by considering Taiwan's street food culture, the gesture of eating and the packing boxes, paper... and design around the food culture in Taiwan. The workshop will be composed of two stages. The first one will be a collection and analysis phase: gathering pictures, drawings, collection of flavors, collection of objects (packaging, boxes, wrapping paper, napkins, cardboard plates, chopsticks, food sticks). The second phase focuses on montage: the assemblage of different materials taking inspiration from the materials themselves. Some examples could be to remix some particularly interesting packaging or to rethink new forms of 'finger food'. The result as a presentation of work between traditional sculpture, edible sculpture, paper collage, and a reflection between container/content.
Anelor Robin(現居德國柏林)與Marie Venet(現居法國巴黎)是在國際展覽經歷豐富的法國青年藝術家,長年耕耘於當代藝術與美食設計領域,兩人合作之美食裝置藝術展覽曾分別於國際極富盛名之當代藝術場館展出,如法國巴黎卡迪爾基金會畫廊(Foundation Cartier)、伊朗佩吉曼基金會(Foundation Pejman),法國Festival Kontact Sonores藝術節…等場館與大展展出。Anelor Robin與Marie Venet於2005年自法國波爾多藝術學院美術系取得碩士學位,兩人各自於當代藝術場域累積豐富實力後,於2014年共同創辦「烹飪藝術實驗室(Cuisines Insitu)」,融合彼此的創作優勢與構想,藉由裝置、圖像、表演與出版品表達其藝術實踐的概念,除了各自曾分別於土耳其、義大利、德國、法國等地受邀藝術駐村並舉辦展覽,Cuisines Insitu亦以團隊之名於2017年榮獲摩洛哥法國文化學院藝術家獎金贊助與肯定。
About the Artists: 
Cuisines Insitu is an experimental food-art lab founded by Marie Venet and Anelor Robin in 2014. After completing their studies at the Bordeaux School of Art, they decided to combine their strengths and ideas to create a new project blending their common artistic passions with their respective art practice. They have conceived installations, images, performances, and publications for different venues and events in France and internationally and have received the endorsement of organizations such as the Foundation Cartier (France), Foundation Pejman (Iran), Festival Kontact Sonores (France) and have personally received grants from the French Cultural Institute of Morocco in 2017. An important feature in both their art practices is the concept and technique of collage/montage.
11/23(五)18:10~21:00 藝術與創新/Art and Innovations
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11/24(六)13:00~18:00 食品與藝術/Food and Art
IMG 6209
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11/25(日)10:00~17:00 展覽與裝置藝術/The Buildups of Exhibition and Art Installations
IMG 6592
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